Census 2020

Partnering for a complete count

Every 10 years, the U.S. Constitution requires a census count of every resident. Obtaining a complete and accurate count is important because census numbers impact our daily life in many ways.

Beginning April 2020, the Census Bureau will launch a count of all people living in the U.S. Local governments, nonprofit agencies and other community organizations have been working together for the last 18 months to help ensure a complete count.

Kansas receives $4.48 billion per year from federal assistance programs.

KS census graphic

For every person not counted, Kansas stands to lose $1,539 in federal funds per year for 10 years.

Missouri receives $11.26 billion per year from federal assistance programs.

MO census graphic

For every person not counted, Missouri stands to lose $1,851 in federal funds per year for 10 years.

Census data guides the distribution of approximately $675 billion in federal funds each year for vital programs impacting housing, education, transportation, health care, public safety, and more.

Local governments use the results to plan new roads, hospitals, and schools, as well as to ensure public safety and emergency preparedness. Census data also determines our representation in state legislatures and in Congress.

Woman partaking in census planningGetting an accurate count is more challenging than ever before. Our population is increasingly diverse and increasingly mobile, with more complex living arrangements and high levels of distrust in government. Also, for the first time, the Census Bureau is encouraging residents to complete the census form online.

With funding from multiple organizations, including Health Forward Foundation and REACH Healthcare Foundation, the Mid-America Regional Council convened a Regional Complete Count Committee in March 2019 to help support local and regional efforts to ensure an accurate census.

Woman partaking in census planningHealth Forward and REACH also joined with local funders to start a census equity fund, which includes mini grants to interested organizations who apply and are selected through a monthly review process.

Health Forward also serves on the Missouri Governor’s Complete Count Committee. In Kansas, Health Forward joined other health funders to support efforts through the Kansas Department of Commerce.

In all, Health Forward committed over $155,000 in 2019 to support complete count efforts in our region.